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"Soul Work" was written during the years I was a practicing astrologer and author of six books. The non-fiction books didn't delve into my interior life as much as this book does.These poems are sometimes poignant and oftentimes outrageously funny. They reflect my spiritual growth--a hopeful "falling upwards."
“The North Node is the single most important point in the describes what your Soul wants to learn and experience in this life. It is a Soul Messenger.”
An invisible magnetic field warps the natal chart. This field is the karmic past life story which is embedded within the chart, in the “chart behind the chart.” The North and South Nodes tell the story of our karmic past, but we can choose not to be bound by it and not to let our default patterns continue to cause us suffering. When we understand South Node Astrology we can uncover our Soul's Karmic Inheritance.
Your past life story is encrypted in the story of the South Node, and in this "spiritual detective" journey you can uncover your most recent past life karmic journey. In this new book there is a table showing you what sign your South Node is and how to understand it by sign, house and aspects.
"Elizabeth Spring has written what may be the definitive book on the lunar South Node. The South Node, a key feature of every natal chart, contains answers to life's great questions, who are we and where do we come from? Whether you're a novice astrology student or seasoned veteran, every page of this book provides valuable insights into understanding the trajectory of the soul. In addition to explaining the Node's significance through the twelve signs and houses, Ms. Spring tackles the far more complex factors of planetary influences to both the South and North Nodes. If getting a better understanding of your life's karmic path is of interest, this book is well worth reading. I recommend it highly!
The story of your Nodes trace the trajectory of your Soul through time. Jungian Astrologer, Elizabeth Spring, again brings the North and South Nodes to life in "South Node Astrology," years after writing "North Node Astrology; Re-discovering Your Life Direction and Soul Purpose." What about the South Node? Together the Nodes hold powerful insights into our soul journey; what we got right, what we suffered from, and what we're carrying over into this life, but the South Node specifically addresses what you need to do now to live your best life--and not to repeat the mistakes of the past.
The insights are encrypted in the story of the South Node; and you can uncover this karmic story. Understanding the Nodes will keep you from sabotaging yourself and your relationships now. We repeat the past until we make it conscious; or as Carl Jung said: "When a given situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate."
What do we not know about ourselves? Or our potential partners or children? What are the hidden dynamics in the relationship? Follow the planetary trail from the South Node...
For students and astrologers this will be an excellent reference book; both for themselves and their clients, yet it's written for the curious new reader as well. Elizabeth is the author of five astrology books, including the best selling book: "North Node Astrology" Find her at: and on her podcast: North Node Astrology on Apple Podcasts
"Elizabeth has done it again! Few astrologers can animate they symbols the way she does..."
Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky
Professional astrologer and Jungian psychotherapist, Elizabeth Spring, weaves together the astrological wisdom of the North and South Nodes along with insights on life direction and soul purpose, from twenty five years experience as an astrologer. In her book: "North Node Astrology" and in her astrology readings you learn how to find and understand your own karmic Nodes as well as the life-changing transits that impact your life direction, soul purpose, career and relationships.
This is my most popular book! And if you want to understand what I do in a reading, you could read this first.
Published Oct 4, 2022 This collection of poetry, written over the 30 years in which I practiced astrological counseling, is very dear to my heart. Some will make you laugh and some cry, but all will lead you deeper into your soul journey.
Available on
"Astrology for the Third Act of Life" Elizabeth uses astrology, Jungian psychology, and memoir to help you understand your Midlife and later life transits. By learning the transits of each age you'll more deeply understand the opportunities and challenges from age forty on...and know how to thrive in mid-life, rather than just survive....Interested? Find what's happening at your age! Click on "Buy Now" for amazon direct line to read reviewsand "Look Inside the Book". All Books available in Paperback, Kindle, and Audible.
Astrologer Steven Forrest's review of "Astrology for the Third Act of Life"
"Elizabeth's given those of us who past mid-life a lovely, poetic -- and ultimately encouraging -- road map for the years ahead. What I like best is that she's done it honestly too, without taking cheap refuge in any happy-face platitudes. I am always delighted to see astrology presented in such an intelligent way instead of being saddled with the usual market-place trivialities." (Available on in paperback, Kindle, and Audible: direct link: ) .
North Node Astrology; Rediscovering Your Life Direction and Soul Purpose
Using the chart within the book, find out your Nodes and the explanation of what they mean! This is Elizabeth's best selling book, and includes chapters on many other aspects of life and astrology as well. For example:
Elizabeth’s heart-felt chapter on the "Astrology of Menopause" in North Node Astrology has been re-published around the world, and the humorous chapter "Cocktails and Karma" explores the bridging between astrologers, ministers, and therapists. The “Family Karmic Inheritance” inspires a compassionate view on family relationships. The book is written for those who are new to astrology as well as for students of astrology who want a deeper look at the Nodes as well as Saturn Returns, the Uranus Opposition, and Neptune and Pluto transits.
Endorsed by Jungian author Jim Hollis and evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest North Node Astrology is a book that is a reference book as well as a collection of articles that shed light on unconscious motivations. It's been called "an inspiring guide for transmuting the grace and grit of life into the gold of personal success and healing".
Curious? Not sure what book to get? Elizabeth's blog and articles are here: On this site you can read about your Nodes and learn what they tell you about your life direction and soul purpose. For those of you who are less comfortable in navigating around blogs, the North Node Astrology book contains everything on the Nodes from the blog as well as all the insights on life passages and transits that Elizabeth has learned from over 28 years as a professional astrologer. (You might not need an astrology reading; you might just want to read the book!)
Are you interested in understanding the soul language of astrology--in a simple and direct way? This book simplifies and prioritizes what you need to know and what you don't need to know; lifting the veil on old ideas. You only need an intuitive and inquisitive mind--and these basic ideas--to make the mandala of your chart come alive!
Do you want to take your learning to the next level? Or even becoming an astrologer yourself?
"Lifting the Veil; Becoming Your Own Best Astrologer" may be perfect for you! You can find this book and read reviews on amazon by clicking on the book above or by clicking HERE
The Saturn Returns, at ages 29 and 59, profoundly changes everyones life. Drawing on her experiences as an astrologer and memoir writer, Elizabeth has created an inspiring story of 2 women going through their Saturn Returns: Isabelle age 59 and Sophie age 29. There is also a non-fiction section where you can learn about Saturn in your chart and life. Written for astrologers and non-astrologers alike, this book can be an inspiration to help you move through one of life's toughest transitions.
This book is both biography and memoir. This true story is based on the lives of Annie Besant, Krishnamurti and the author. What happens when you discover a person in history whose life radically changes yours? What happens when your beliefs in reincarnation, synchronicity and fate come alive? Annie Besant was a woman whose life story was erased in history, but Elizabeth has brought Annie and Krishnamurti to life again in a most unusual way.
Uncover your past life story with the South Node. Learn what you suffered from in that life, what you didn't get right, and what you still have to learn. What gifts did you bring over from that life? Or what habits may still be sabotaging your life and relationships? For students and astrologers this will be an excellent reference book; both for themselves and their clients, yet it's written for the curious new reader as well.
Why is the North Node the Most Important Point in the Whole Chart? Why do you need to know it?
The North Node is the “prescription” you need for the challenges in your birth chart; it’s the soul remedy for the karmic challenges you came into this life with as shown by your South Node, which can be seen as the “diagnosis.” In effect, the Nodes simplify the whole chart into "the South Node summarizes the problem; and the North Node summarizes the solution."
The Nodes point to your optimal life direction and soul purpose and are based on the idea of reincarnation, and that your Soul chose the time and place to be born into so that you would grow and experience certain things in this lifetime. The South Node is what you came into this life with, and it’s read from the viewpoint of what you didn’t get right in the last life and what you suffered from. You know how to do the South Node because it’s your default pattern in this life still, as an old habit. But it doesn’t serve you anymore. It takes courage and a willingness to try something new—to do the North Node remedy.
People make astrology seem more complicated than it needs to be. Sure, one needs to learn the basic language of the planets, signs and aspects, and the underlying principles, but it isn’t as complicated to understand if you are simply looking for what you need to do to make your life better and more in alignment with your Soul Purpose. It’s in that nugget of information in your North Node.
Doesn’t your Sun sign say everything? Not at all. It describes your personality. And you probably know that already. What about the Moon? It describes your emotional life, and the Rising Sign describes the persona-mask you show the world and your style of doing things. But none of these are as important for you to know as your North Node.
How does it work? Well, look at your chart and find the sign your North Node is in, and read about what the highest expression of that sign is about. That is your personal true North; your compass. (Remember that the glyph for the North Node looks like earphones, and the South Node looks like a horseshoe.) Then look at the planet that rules that sign and see what it’s doing in your chart, for a little more information. Then find the area of your life where your karmic North Node work is most relevant; that’s the house it’s in. Read about all the expressions of that house. Now you know what and where—look next to see if there are planets conjunct either the North or South Node and read about what those planets mean—throw them into the alchemical stew we are making.
This is where you may need help from an astrologer to more fully understand what those added planets mean to your story, and also if there are squares to the Nodes creating a “skipped step.” There are nuances and permutations which are fascinating to learn, but if you simply want the basics it’s as simple as knowing the sign and house.
You are creating an alchemical stew here and it requires a quality of intuition to bring the nodal story together…to take the intuitive leap that brings signs, houses, planets and aspects together. I guess that’s what keeps us astrologers in business! It does get nuanced and it’s not easy to read the story for yourself; but it is what evolutionary astrologers such as Steven Forrest and many of us do. We can look at your Nodes and see where there is “gold” or goodness in the South Node past life story, and we can adjust the interpretation of your Nodal story so you can see it in light of your whole chart.An astrology reading is an excellent idea. However, the basic information is there in your chart, in the Nodes, to see for free. It’s the gold in your chart and it’s worth having a compass in this life--it’s worth having a prescription for healing. It can change your life. It changed mine and that's why I call my work: North Node Astrology.
~Elizabeth Spring
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